NEU ballot of teachers met the threshold to commence industrial action.

NEU (National Education Union) ballot of teachers met the threshold to commence industrial action and they have announced the following dates:

  • Wednesday 1 February 2023: all eligible members in England and Wales
  • Tuesday 28 February 2023: all eligible members in the following English regions: Northern, North West, Yorkshire & The Humber
  • Wednesday 1 March 2023: all eligible members in the following English regions: East Midlands, West Midlands, Eastern
  • Thursday 2 March 2023: all eligible members in the following English regions: London, South East, South West
  • Wednesday 15 March 2023: all eligible members in England and Wales
  • Thursday 16 March 2023: all eligible members in England and Wales

They will be required to give employers at least 2 weeks’ notice of the industrial action.

The ballot of support staff did not achieve the 50% turnout required by law.

Published: 17th January 2023