This week is Mental Health Awareness week 13-19 May 2024,

The Department for Education, along with several partner organisations, has produced dedicated resources which those responsible for promoting and supporting mental health and wellbeing of children and young people may find useful.

Mental health for children and young people - approaches and resources:

Other resources for young people, parents and carers, and professionals include:

Mental health for teachers and education staff - resources and helplines:

Crisis Services:

For Schools that subscribe to the EAP via BCC:

Discuss anything that is troubling you, whether it is personal difficulties or work-related issues. Whatever your situation, you can be sure of a supportive and constructive response. You are not alone.

  • To access the EAP website, enter the User Name: schoolsbcc and Password: employee. Or call: 0808 168 2143 to speak to a helpline specialist.
  • The EAP website also offers an online counselling facility available Mon-Fri, 8am- 10pm and weekends, 9am-5pm.
  • If you are a manager, you can access dedicated support online, or via the helpline: 0808 168 2143.


Published: 15th May 2024