This week the Education Secretary, Bridget Phillipson, has announced that work has begun to deliver the Governments pledge to recruit 6,500 teachers.

She said:

“We will work urgently to recruit thousands of brilliant new teachers and reset the relationship between government and the education workforce.”

“I want all children to have the best life chances which means recruiting and keeping great teachers in our classrooms – today is the first step in that mission.”

The Education Secretary’s first actions have included writing to all education workforces to emphasise their role “at the centre of making change happen.” Bridget Phillipson will also prioritise meeting with key education stakeholders this week, and speaking to the teaching unions over the coming days.

The Department for Education’s ‘Every Lesson Shapes a Life’ recruitment campaign will be grown and relaunched, its further education recruitment campaign, Share Your Skills will also restart with the aim of reestablishing teaching as a fulfilling, professional and exciting career choice.

Through improving teachers’ recruitment, support, and retention the government aims to improve educational outcomes and the life chances of children through their education and into their future careers.

Published: 11th July 2024