Early career teacher (ECT) recruitment
We have a dedicated area on the Birmingham City Council website where you can advertise your ECT vacancies.
To ensure we are doing all we can to help you to recruit ECT’s we will:
- communicate with universities to increase the available talent through collaboration
- ask all students who are actively seeking their first teaching appointment in Birmingham to register with us
- send alerts to all job seekers registered with us when a vacancy is published with a link to apply
- promote our dedicated ECT webpage and the vacancies on our well established social media platforms, Twitter and LinkedIn
- advertise your vacancies on www.birmingham.gov.uk and www.wmjobs.co.uk attaching your supporting documents (application form, job description, person specification) so applicants can complete and return directly to you
Subscribing schools and academies: £140
Non-subscribing schools and academies: £285
Find out more about our subscription packages
Place an advert using our advert request form and be sure to select the ECT recruitment package to take advantage of this service.