DBS fees are changing in December
Increase in current charges for DBS checks
NEU ballot result on government pay offer for teachers
The NEU consultative ballot on the Government’s pay offer has been rejected by 98% of NEU teacher members in England with a turnout of 66%.
Easter service opening hours
Over the Easter holiday our team will be available to support our schools customers between 9am and 4pm every week day day apart from bank holidays.
DfE update on union pay and working condition disputes
The DfE has shared an update following the discussions between the NAHT, NEU, NASUWT and ASCL and the Secretary of State, ministers and government officials.
Mental health resources for teachers and education staff
No one should suffer alone; mental health support and information is available to help you to look after your and your colleagues' wellbeing
Support staff pay award consultation update
Unison move to ballot, GMB and Unite consulting with members.
Additional annual leave for support staff
Support staff will receive one day additional annual leave entitlement from April 2023.
Employee self-service roll out complete
The final roll out process of employee self-service accounts took place for 3 days from 3 March 2023.
NEU industrial action: final days
The final days of the announced NEU industrial action take place this week.
HR guidance has moved to hrforschools.org.uk
Current customers can now view our existing HR guidance and access HR policies, procedures, templates and pay and conditions information on the HR Services for Schools website.
NEU industrial action update for Birmingham
NEU have provided written notification that their teaching members in Birmingham schools have been called out on strike for: